Wiktoria Goroch Приложения

Best inspirational quotes 1.2
Wiktoria Goroch
Collection of the best inspirational quotesaccording to internet users rating.There are about 3000 inspirational quotes .Quotes are arranged according to users rating (most popularfirst).Application stores your current position, so you don’t need tostart over each time you launch the application.Also you can bookmark your favorite quotes, copy to clipboard,share via sms, facebook or any other applicationHopefully user friendly interface helps you to enjoy the quotes.Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions.
Pearl of Great Price 1.1
Wiktoria Goroch
LDS ScripturesThe Pearl of Great PriceA Selection from the Revelations, Translations, and Narrations ofJoseph Smith First Prophet, Seer, and Revelator to The Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsThe Pearl of Great Price is part of the canonical standard worksof The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) andsome other Mormon denominations.The first paragraph of the Introductory Note in the LDS editionof the Pearl of Great Price states: "The Pearl of Great Price is aselection of choice materials touching many significant aspects ofthe faith and doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-daySaints. These items were produced by Joseph Smith Jr. and werepublished in the Church periodicals of his day."The name of the book is derived from the Parable of the Pearltold by Jesus in Matthew chapter 13.
Цитаты, высказывания, афоризмы 1.2
Wiktoria Goroch
Этот сборник содержит более 6000 цитат,высказываний, афоризмов на разнообразные темы.Цитаты (высказывания, афоризмы) упорядочены по оценкампользователей - от более популярных к менее популярным.Приложение запоминает текущую цитату и вам не придется начинатьвсе сначала.Вы также можете добавить понравившуюся цитату в избранное,скопировать, отправить sms, на вконтакте или другие приложения.Вы также можете выбирать категории цитат и высказываний:- юмор (987)- жизнь (642)- любовь (602)- ирония (797)- отношения (574)- мысли (330)- женщины (455)- анекдоты (460)- цитаты (301)- секс (335)- дети (187)- счастье (143)- мужчины (149)- приколы (118)- семья (62)- афоризмы (61)Надеюсь несложный и приятный интерфейс позволит вам насладитьсясодержимым.This collection containsmore than 6000 quotations, sayings, aphorisms on various topics.Citations (sayings, aphorisms) are ordered by users - from morepopular to less popular.The application stores the current quote and you will not haveto start over.You can also add your favorite quote in your favorites, copy,send sms, on vkontakte or other applications.You can also select categories of quotes and sayings:   - Humor (987)   - Life (642)   - Love (602)   - Irony (797)   - The relationship (574)   - Thoughts (330)   - Women (455)   - Jokes (460)   - Quotes (301)   - Sex (335)   - Children (187)   - Happiness (143)   - Men (149)   - Fun (118)   - Family (62)   - Aphorisms (61)Hopefully simple and friendly interface allows you to enjoy thecontent.
Красиво о Любви 2.0
Wiktoria Goroch
«Если у тебя есть любовь, то тебе большеничего не нужно. Если у тебя нет любви, то не имеет значения, что утебя еще есть.» (Сэр Дж. М. Бэрри)Это одна из 3 000 тысяч мыслей (высказываний, статусов) о любви изэтого сборника. Любовь удивительно красивое чувство, и я хотела,под стать ему, собрать такие же красивые мысли, высказывания,цитаты о любви. Надеюсь они вам понравятся!Приложение запоминает текущий статус (мысль, высказывание) и вам непридется начинать все сначала.Вы также можете добавить понравившийся статус (мысль, высказывание)в избранное, выложить на Вконтакте, Одноклассники или другиесоциальные сети (важно, чтобы приложение было установлено нателефон), скопировать или отправить смс, все достаточно просто иудобно.Любви Вам и Удачи!P.S. если Вам понравились эти статусы и цитаты или есть замечанияили предложения - пишите постараюсь ответить всем"If you have love, youneed nothing more. If you do not love, it does not matter that youstill have. "(Sir JM Barrie)   This is one of 3 000 000 thoughts (propositionalstatus) about love from this collection. Love amazingly beautifulfeeling and I wanted to match him to collect the same beautifulthoughts, sayings, quotes about love. I hope you enjoy them!   The application remembers the current status(thought statement) and you do not have to start all overagain.   You can also add favorite status (thought thestatement) as a favorite, put on FaceBook, YouTube or other socialnetworks (it is important that the application was installed on thephone), copy or send sms, everything is quite simple andconvenient.Love to you and good luck!P.S. if you liked these statuses and quotes or have any comments orsuggestions - contact will try to answer all
Biblia - Proverbios 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Libro de los ProverbiosProverbios (hebreo מִשְׁלֵי, Mishlei) es un libro bíblico delAntiguo Testamento y del Tanaj hebreo, que se clasifica entre losLibros Sapienciales del cristianismo, y entre los Ketuvim o"Escritos" del judaísmo. Está compuesto por extensas colecciones demáximas o sentencias de contenido religioso o moral y se ubica enla Biblia entre el libro de los Salmos y Eclesiastés, y en laBiblia judía entre los libros de Job y Rut.Estas sentencias morales son con frecuencia fruto de larevelación divina y otras veces provienen de la experiencia humanay de su sabiduría (otros aspectos de la influencia de Dios). Suelenexpresarse, como otros conceptos de la pedagogía bíblica, en formade comparaciones, ritmos verbales, expresiones agudas o relatosenigmáticos. Está destinado a lectores inteligentes, porque lamayor parte de las veces el esfuerzo de desentrañar sus contenidosexige una cierta preparación. La palabra "proverbio" se entiendetambién como refrán conciso, alegoría o adagio, siempre encerrandouna enseñanza simple de la experiencia humana que puede contener ono una afirmación teológica.Book of ProverbsProverbs (Hebrew מִשְׁלֵי, Mishlei) is a biblical book of theOld Testament and the Hebrew Tanakh, which ranks among the WisdomBooks of Christianity, and among the Ketuvim, or "Writings" ofJudaism. It consists of extensive collections of maxims or moral orreligious judgments contained and is located in the Bible from thebook of Psalms and Ecclesiastes, and in the Jewish Bible amongbooks of Job and Ruth.These moral judgments are often the result of divine revelationand sometimes come from human experience and wisdom (other aspectsof the influence of God). Usually expressed as other concepts ofbiblical teaching in the form of comparisons, verbal rhythms, sharpexpressions or enigmatic stories. It is intended for intelligentreaders, because most of the time the effort to unravel itscontents requires some preparation. The word "proverb" is alsounderstood as saying concise, allegory or adage, always enclosing asimple teaching of human experience that can not hold or atheological statement.
Любовные статусы 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Этот сборник состоит из 1600 статусов.Статусы, в данном случае, это шутки, истории или высказывания, всечто их объединяет, это краткость и отношение к чувствам, любви,отношениям.Статусы упорядочены по оценкам пользователей - от болеепопулярных к менее популярным.Приложение запоминает текущий статус и вам не придется начинатьвсе сначала.Вы также можете добавить понравившийся статус в избранное,выложить на Вконтакте, Одноклассники или другие социальные сети(важно, чтобы приложение было установлено на телефон), скопироватьили отправить смс.Надеюсь несложный и приятный интерфейс позволит вам насладитьсясодержимым.P.S. если у Вас есть замечания иди предложения, пожалуйста,сообщите нам. Спасибо.This collection consistsof 1,600 statuses. Status, in this case, it's jokes, stories orstatements that unites them all is short and for the feelings, loveand relationships.Status in order of estimated users - from the more popular toless popular.The application stores the current status and you do not have tostart all over again.You can also add liked status as favorite to put on FaceBook,YouTube or other social networks (it is important that theapplication was installed on the phone), copy or send an SMS.Hopefully simple and friendly interface will allow you to enjoythe content.P.S. If you have comments or a sentence, please let us know.Thank you.
Dowcipy 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Kolekcja dowcipów i KawalyW tej aplikacji można znaleźć ponad 4500 dowcipów na różnetematy:- Baca - (58)- Dowcipy o blondynkach - (216)- Chuck Norris - (84)- Fraszki - (75)- Gra półsłówek - (253)- Graffiti - (406)- Głupie Kawaly - (88)- Humor - (154)- Humor z zeszytów - (436)- Inny Dowcipy - (1000)- Jasiu - (191)- Kobiety - (56)- Komentarze sportowe - (117)- Kawały o lekarzach - (98)- Małżeństwo - (167)- Mężczyźni - (68)- Policja i przestępcy - (67)- Polityczne Dowcipy - (71)- Przychodzi baba do lekarza - (72)- Religijne - (79)- Kawaly o rosyjskim - (53)- Dowcipy o seksie - (226)- Śmieszne smsy - (65)- Szmonces - (109)- Wice śląskie - (60)- Wierszyki na Walentynki - (55)- Dowcipy o ZSRR - (117)- Zwierzęta - (93)- Złote myśli - (82)Można skopiować dowcipy, wysłać SMS, na Facebooku, itd, dodaj doulubionych.A collection of jokes andjokesIn this application, you can find over 4500 jokes on varioustopics: - Baca - (58) - Jokes about blondes - (216) - Chuck Norris - (84) - Fraszki - (75) - Game półsłówek - (253) - Graffiti - (406) - Stupid jokes - (88) - Humour - (154) - Humor with notebooks - (436) - Other jokes - (1000) - Johnny - (191) - Women - (56) - Comments sport - (117) - Jokes about doctors - (98) - Marriage - (167) - Men - (68) - Police and criminals - (67) - Political Jokes - (71) - A woman goes to the doctor - (72) - Religious - (79) - Jokes about the Russian - (53) - Jokes about sex - (226) - Funny sms - (65) - Szmonces - (109) - Vice Silesian - (60) - Rhymes for Valentine's Day - (55) - Jokes of the USSR - (117) - Animals - (93) - Words of wisdom - (82)You can copy the jokes, send SMS, Facebook, etc., add tofavorites.
Стихи классиков о любви 2.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Любовь - удивительное чувство! Сколько в немразных и порой противоречивых чувств: радость и боль,восторженность и печаль... И я думаю стихи один из лучших икрасивейших способов для передачи всех этих чувств. Кто знает,может этот сборник стихотворений вдохновит Вас на маленькиеподвиги? Я на это очень надеюсь!Этот сборник содержит более 550 стихотворений о любви, написанныхклассиками как русской там и мировой литературы. Стихисгруппированы по авторам, коих в этом сборнике 94.Приложение запоминает текущее стихотворение и вам не придетсяначинать все сначала. Также Вы можете выбирать стихотворения полюбимым авторам или автору.Вы также можете добавить понравившееся стихотворение в избранное,скопировать, отправить смс, на вконтакте или другие приложенияустановленное на Вашем телефоне.Надеюсь несложный и приятный интерфейс позволит вам насладитьсясодержимым.Ниже приведен большой список авторов стихотворений:- Алигер Маргарита (2)- Анненский Иннокентий (7)- Апухтин Алексей (10)- Асадов Эдуард (10)- Асеев Николай (4)- Ахмадулина Белла (2)- Ахматова Анна (10)- Багрицкий Эдуард (2)- Байрон Джордж (3)- Бальмонт Константин (10)- Бараташвили Николоз (6)- Баратынский Евгений (10)- Белый Андрей (5)- Берггольц Ольга (2)- Бернс Роберт (10)- Блок Александр (10)- Бродский Иосиф (8)- Брюсов Валерий (10)- Бунин Иван Алексеевич (8)- Волошин Максимилиан (10)- Высоцкий Владимир (9)- Гамзатов Расул (10)- Гете Иоганн (3)- Горбовская Екатерина (10)- Григорьев Апполон (4)- Губер Эдуард (2)- Гумилев Николай (9)- Давыдов Денис (6)- Дельвиг Антон (10)- Дементьев Андрей (3)- Дрожжин Спиридон (2)- Друнина Юлия (10)- Евтушенко Евгений (5)- Есенин Сергей (10)- Жадовская Юлия (5)- Заболоцкий Николай (5)- Зенкевич Михаил (2)- Исаковский Михаил (4)- Казакова Римма (3)- Клюев Николай Алексеевич (2)- Клюшников Иван (3)- Кольцов Алексей (4)- Костенко Лина (5)- Красов Василий (2)- Курочкин Василий (2)- Лермонтов Михаил (10)- Лорка Федерико Гарсиа (6)- Лохвицкая Мирра (10)- Мандельштам Осип (2)- Маяковский Владимир (6)- Мей Лев (3)- Мережковский Дмитрий (4)- Мицкевич Адам (3)- Мориц Юнна (2)- Морозов Николай (3)- Набоков Владимир (10)- Надсон Семен (6)- Некрасов Николай (8)- Никитин Иван (2)- Ознобишин Дмитрий (2)- Окуджава Булат (4)- Орбелиани Григол (3)- Пастернак Борис (8)- Плещеев Алексей (6)- Полонский Яков (9)- Пушкин Александр (9)- Рождественский Всеволод (3)- Рождественский Роберт (10)- Ростопчина Евдокия (3)- Северянин Игорь (10)- Сельвинский Илья (4)- Симонов Константин (4)- Случевский Константин (2)- Соловьев Владимир (3)- Сологуб Федор (10)- Суриков Иван (2)- Толстой Алексей (9)- Тургенев Иван (4)- Тушнова Вероника (10)- Тэффи Надежда (7)- Тютчев Фёдор (10)- Уткин Иосиф (4)- Федоров Василий (9)- Фет Афанасий (10)- Фофанов Константин (6)- Ходасевич Владислав (4)- Цветаева Марина (10)- Чавчавадзе Александр (3)- Черный Саша (2)- Шекспир Уильям (10)- Шефнер Вадим (5)- Щипачев Степан (6)- Эренбург Илья (3)- Языков Николай (8)Любите и будьте любимыми!Love - an amazingfeeling! There is so much different and sometimes conflictingemotions: joy and pain, sadness and enthusiasm ... And I thinkpoetry is one of the best and most beautiful ways to send all ofthese feelings. Who knows, maybe this collection of poems willinspire you to small feats? I really hope!  This collection contains more than 550 poems about lovewritten classics like Russian and world literature there. Poems aregrouped according to the authors, to whom this volume 94.  The application stores the current poem and you do nothave to start all over again. You can also choose your favoritepoem by the author or authors.  You can also add liked the poem to your favorites,copy, send sms on vkontakte or other applications installed on yourphone.Hopefully simple and friendly interface will allow you to enjoy thecontent.  Below is a long list of authors of poems:   - Aliger Margarita (2)   - Ann Innocent (7)   - Apukhtin Alex (10)   - Edward Assad (10)   - Aseyev Nicholas (4)   - Ahmadulina Bell (2)   - Anna Akhmatova (10)   - Bagritsky Edward (2)   - George Byron (3)   - Konstantin Balmont (10)   - Nikoloz Baratashvili (6)   - Baratynsky Eugene (10)   - Andrew White (5)   - Olga Bergholz (2)   - Robert Burns (10)   - Alexander Blok (10)   - Joseph Brodsky (8)   - Valery Bryusov (10)   - Ivan Bunin (8)   - Maximilian Voloshin (10)   - Vladimir Vysotsky (9)   - Gamzatov Rasool (10)   - Johann Goethe (3)   - Gorbovskii Catherine (10)   - Apollon Grigoriev (4)   - Edward Huber (2)   - Nikolai Gumilev (9)   - Denis Davydov (6)   - Delvig Anton (10)   - Andrey Dementyev (3)   - Drozhzhin Spyridon (2)   - Drunina Julia (10)   - Yevgeny Yevtushenko (5)   - Sergei Yesenin (10)   - Zhadovskaya Julia (5)   - Z Nicholas (5)   - Zenkevich Michael (2)   - Isakovsky Michael (4)   - Rimma Kazakova (3)   - Nikolai Klyuev (2)   - Klyushnikov Ivan (3)   - Ring of Alex (4)   - Lina Kostenko (5)   - Paint Basil (2)   - Kurochkin Basil (2)   - Mikhail Lermontov (10)   - Federico Garcia Lorca (6)   - Lokhvitskaya Mirra (10)   - Osip Mandelstam (2)   - Vladimir Mayakovsky (6)   - Lev Mey (3)   - Merezhkovskii Dmitry (4)   - Adam Mickiewicz (3)   - Yunna Moritz (2)   - Nikolai Morozov (3)   - Vladimir Nabokov (10)   - Simon Knudson (6)   - Nikolai Nekrasov (8)   - Ivan Nikitin (2)   - Oznobishin Dmitry (2)   - Bulat Okudzhava (4)   - Orbeliani Grigol (3)   - Boris Pasternak (8)   - Plescheev Alex (6)   - Yakov Polonsky (9)   - Alexander Pushkin (9)   - Christmas Vsevolod (3)   - Robert Christmas (10)   - Rostopchina Evdokia (3)   - Northerner Igor (10)   - Selvinsky Ilya (4)   - Konstantin Simonov (4)   - Sluchevsky Constantine (2)   - Vladimir Soloviev (3)   - Fyodor Sologub (10)   - Ivan Surikov (2)   - Alexei Tolstoy (9)   - Ivan Turgenev (4)   - Tushnova Veronica (10)   - Taffy Hope (7)   - Fyodor Tyutchev (10)   - Joseph Utkin (4)   - Vasily Fedorov (9)   - Athanasius Fet (10)   - Fofanov Constantine (6)   - Hodasevich Vladislav (4)   - Marina Tsvetaeva (10)   - Alexander Chavchavadze (3)   - Black Sasha (2)   - William Shakespeare (10)   - Shefner Vadim (5)   - Shchipachev Stepan (6)   - Ilya Ehrenburg (3)   - Languages ​​Nicholas (8)  Love and be loved!
قصص الكتاب المقدس 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
قصص الكتاب المقدس للأطفال والكبارBible Stories for children and adults in ArabicBible stories forchildren and adultsBible Stories for children and adults in Arabic
Biblia - Apocalipsis 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
El libro del ApocalipsisEl libro de las Revelaciones o Apocalipsis de san Juan es elúltimo libro del Nuevo Testamento. También es conocido comoRevelaciones de Jesucristo por el título que al principio se da aeste libro y, en algunos círculos protestantes, simplemente comoRevelación o Libro de las revelaciones. Por su género literario, esconsiderado por la mayoría de los eruditos el único libro del NuevoTestamento de carácter exclusivamente profético.El Apocalipsis quizás sea el escrito más rico en símbolos detoda la Biblia. La cantidad de símbolos, eventos y procesoscomplica la tarea de interpretar la totalidad del texto y, comotal, ha sido objeto de numerosas investigaciones, interpretacionesy debate a lo largo de la historia.The Book of RevelationThe book of Revelation or Apocalypse of John is the last book ofthe New Testament. It is also known as Revelation of Jesus Christfor the title which was originally given to this book, and in someProtestant circles, or simply as Revelation Book of Revelations.For its genre, is considered by most scholars the only book of theNew Testament prophetic character exclusively.Revelation is perhaps the richest symbols written in the Bible.The amount of symbols, events and processes complicates the task ofinterpreting the entire text and, as such, has been the subject ofnumerous investigations, interpretations and debate throughouthistory.
De Bijbel 1.3
Wiktoria Goroch
De BijbelDe Bijbel is het heilige boek van de christenen. Het woord'Bijbel' stamt van het Griekse woord βιβλία biblia (boeken), dateen meervoud is van βιβλίον biblion (boek; oorspronkelijk hetverkleinwoord van βίβλος dat papyrus(plant) of boek betekent). Dezebetekenis gaat weer terug op de Fenicische stad Byblos, die eenomslagplaats was voor bast, de grondstof voor papyrus.Het woord bijbel heeft twee betekenissen die vaak door elkaargebruikt worden. Het is in de eerste plaats de verzamelinggeschriften die de Bijbel vormen (bijvoorbeeld in "het staat in deBijbel", met bepaald lidwoord en officieel met hoofdletter), en inde tweede plaats een gedrukt exemplaar daarvan ("ik heb mijn bijbelniet bij me", officieel zonder hoofdletter). In het christendombeschouwt men een gedrukt exemplaar meestal niet als bijzonderheilig.De Bijbel bevat twee verschillende verzamelingen vanteksten:- Het Oude Testament, ook wel de Hebreeuwse Bijbel of Tenachgenoemd. Deze werd geschreven over een periode van vele eeuwen,voor het grootste deel in het Hebreeuws met een paar passages inhet Aramees.- Het Nieuwe Testament, geschreven gedurende de eerste (en volgenssommigen gedeeltelijk in de tweede) eeuw na Christus, in toenalledaags Grieks (koinè-Grieks).- Voor veel christenen hebben ook de deuterocanonieke boekenbetekenis; zie verderop.Samenstelling van de BijbelDe Bijbel is niet in één keer tot stand gekomen, maar is in de loopvan duizenden jaren samengesteld. Het Oude Testament is in feite deHebreeuwse Joodse Tenach. Deze omvat 39 boeken. Daarnaast is rond150 v.Chr. een Griekse vertaling van de Tenach, de zogenaamdeSeptuagint, gepubliceerd, die veel meer boeken omvatte, en vansommige boeken een uitgebreidere versie van wat in de HebreeuwseTenach stond. De 39 boeken van de Tenach worden door allechristelijke kerken als canoniek geaccepteerd. De teksten die welin de Septuagint, maar niet in de Tenach stonden, worden door demeeste protestantse kerken als apocrief beschouwd, terwijl deRooms-katholieke Kerk 13 ervan als deuterocanoniek (‘later aan decanon toegevoegd’) in de Bijbel heeft opgenomen. In het artikelCanon van de Bijbel staat zowel voor het Oude als voor het NieuweTestament een overzicht van welke kerken welke boeken als canoniekbeschouwen.Ook het Nieuwe Testament is een verzameling boeken. Hiervan isdoor Athanasius van Alexandrië in 367 n.Chr. een lijst van 27boeken opgesteld, die door vrijwel alle christelijke kerken alscanoniek worden beschouwd. Zie Canonvorming van het NieuweTestament voor meer hierover.Vaak wordt gezegd dat de Bijbel door God geïnspireerd is. Watdie "inspiratie" precies inhoudt, daarover verschillen de meningen.Sommigen menen dat de Bijbel niet woordelijk door God „gedicteerd”is: mensen schreven, in hun eigen bewoordingen en in hun eigenstijl, en soms zelfs in hun eigen dialect, wat ze van God haddenbegrepen, en soms ook letterlijk gehoord, of in dromen haddengezien. Anderen houden vast aan "inspiratie" als een letterlijkeweergave van de door God aan mensen ingegeven woorden, waarbij demens, zijnde louter 'instrument' van God, niet meer dan eendoorgeefluik is en zelf op geen enkele manier heeft ingegrepen indie van God (door)gegeven woorden. De mate waarin deze nuanceringwordt geaccepteerd, verschilt van kerk tot kerk. In het algemeenzullen reformatorische en bevindelijk-gereformeerde kerken strakkeraan een letterlijke openbaring vasthouden.The BibleThe Bible is the sacred book of the Christians. The word "Bible"comes from the Greek word βιβλία biblia (books), which is amultiple of βιβλίον biblion (book, originally a diminutive ofβίβλος that papyrus (plant) or book means). This meaning goes backto the Phoenician city of Byblos, which was a reversal of bark, thesource of papyrus.The word Bible has two meanings that are often usedinterchangeably. It is primarily the collection of writings thatconstitute the Bible (for example, "it says in the Bible", with thedefinite article and officially capitalized), and secondly, aprinted copy thereof ("I do not have my Bible with me ", withoutofficial capital). In Christianity, one printed copy not usuallyconsider as particularly sacred.The Bible contains two different sets of texts:  - The Old Testament, also known as the Hebrew Bible orTanakh called. This was written over a period of many centuries,mostly in Hebrew, with a few passages in Aramaic.  - The New Testament, written in the first (andaccording to some part in the second) century AD, when in everydayGreek (Koine Greek).  - For many Christians also have the Deuterocanonicalbooks meaning, see below.Composition of the BibleThe Bible has not come about all at once, but is made in the courseof thousands of years. The Old Testament is in fact the HebrewJewish Tanakh. This includes 39 books. In addition, around 150 BC.a Greek translation of the Tanakh, called the Septuagint,published, which included many more books, and some books was anexpanded version of what the Hebrew Tanakh. The 39 books of theTanakh are accepted as canonical by all Christian churches. Thetexts which appear in the Septuagint, but were not in the Tanakh,are regarded by most Protestant churches as apocryphal, and (lateradded to the canon "), the Roman Catholic Church as 13 of themdeuterocanoniek recorded in the Bible. In the article Canon of theBible, both the Old and the New Testament is a list of whatchurches consider the books as canonical.Also, the New Testament is a collection of books. This is byAthanasius of Alexandria in 367 AD. a list of 27 books compiledconsidered. canonical by virtually all Christian churches See Canonof the New Testament for more on this.It is often said that the Bible is inspired by God. What exactlythat "inspiration" means, as opinions differ. Some believe that theBible is not literally God "dictated" is: people wrote in their ownwords and in their own style, and sometimes even in their owndialect, which they understood God and sometimes literally heard,or had seen dreams. Others cling to "inspiration" as a literalrepresentation of the God-people words which man, being mere"instrument" of God, no more than a conduit and has intervened inthat of God himself in any way (by) data words. The extent to whichthis distinction is accepted varies from church to church. Ingeneral and experimentally-Reformation Reformed churches willbetter focus on a literal revelation.
Bibbia. Giovanni Diodati 1.0.4
Wiktoria Goroch
Bibbia. Giovanni Diodati (1649)La Bibbia Diodati (titolo completo La Bibbia, cioè i libri delvecchio e del nuovo testamento, nuovamente traslati in linguaitaliana, da Giovanni Diodati, di nation lucchese) è la traduzionedella Bibbia per eccellenza dei protestanti italiani, edita aGinevra nel 1607 dal lucchese in esilio Giovanni Diodati(1576-1649). Fu realizzata dai testi originali (per il NuovoTestamento usò però la poi risultata imprecisa versione di Erasmo),con un occhio sui lavori di Teofilo e di Brucioli. Dal punto divista stilistico, la sua versione viene ritenuta uno dei capolavoridella lingua italiana del Seicento.La prima edizione completa, in quarto, della Bibbia in linguaitaliana con annotazioni venne pubblicata nel 1607 come "La Bibbia,cioè i libri del vecchio e del nuovo testamento, nuovamentetraslati in lingua italiana, da Giovanni Diodati, di nationlucchese" e un Nuovo Testamento, senza annotazioni, apparve nel1608. Traduce dalle lingue originali, tenendo però d'occhio laversione di Massimo Teofilo, perché anch'essa dipendente dallelingue originali.Appena apparve, la versione che il Diodati aveva pubblicata aproprie spese gli era costata 14 anni di ardua cura, ed ebbe subitogli elogi degli uomini più dotti del tempo, e anche chi la giudicòseveramente dovette riconoscere che il Diodati aveva fatto un'operapregevole.Questi vennero seguiti quasi trent'anni dopo da una secondaedizione migliorata negli anni 1640/41. Quest'opera monumentale hafornito il protestantesimo italiano della sua versione ufficialestandard della Bibbia. Il merito del Diodati fu quello di produrre,lui solo, una delle maggiori bibbie del Protestantesimo europeo, damettersi sul livello della Bibbia tedesca di Lutero e di quellainglese autorizzata dal re Giacomo.CaratteristicheI caratteri eccellenti che distinguevano la versione del Diodatierano dunque molti, in primo luogo la fedeltà, qualità essenzialeper interpretare il testo sacro; in secondo luogo la chiarezza,dovuta all'integrità dei termini usati dal traduttore ed alleparafrasi che, sebbene molto criticate, non sono meno utili per ilsignificato del senso biblico; in terzo luogo il valore teologicodelle note e dei commenti che accompagnano la versione, chetestimoniano una profonda conoscenza delle lingue antiche ed unacompleta comprensione delle Scritture; ed infine grande eleganza distile.Accoglienza in ItaliaDiodati stesso era particolarmente sensibile a come la sua Bibbiavenisse accolta in Italia. Nel 1635 egli riassicurava la Compagniadei Pastori di Ginevra che: "essa ha avuto una grande approvazioneda diversi eminenti personaggi ed in modo particolare da Mons.Scaligero". Nella sua lettera al Sinodo di Alençon nel maggio 1695,egli disse che: "Vi dirò dunque, che la divina Provvidenza che,avendomi spinto nei miei primi anni di professione teologica, si, equasi dalla mia gioventù fino ad oggi, di tradurre e commentare laBibbia italiana, ho avuto un così grande successo... e i personaggipiù eminenti del nostro tempo, hanno tutte raccomandato il miopovero lavoro, e lo dico non senza arrossire: è la verità che iopubblico unicamente per la gloria di Dio".Ancora una volta Diodati riafferma la sua fede nell'aiuto divino ela sua convinzione di aver compiuto questo lavoro unicamente per lagloria di Dio. Diodati assicurava il Consiglio di Ginevra che lasua Bibbia italiana "è stata ben ricevuta dappertutto".L'introduzione alla pubblicazione in traduzione inglese delle notedella Bibbia del Diodati lo conferma.Bible. Douay (1649)The Bible King James Version (full title The Bible, that thebooks of the Old and New Testament, again translated into Italianby Giovanni Diodati, nation of Lucca) is the translation of theBible par excellence of Italian Protestants, published in Geneva in1607 by Lucca exiled King James (1576-1649). It was built from theoriginal texts (for the New Testament, however, used the laterproved inaccurate version of Erasmus), with an eye on the work ofTheophilus and Brucioli. From the point of view of style, hisversion is considered one of the masterpieces of the Italianlanguage in the seventeenth century.The first complete edition, fourth, of the Bible into Italianwith annotations was published in 1607 as "The Bible, that thebooks of the Old and New Testament, again translated into Italianby Giovanni Diodati, of Lucca nation" and a New Testament, withoutannotations, appeared in 1608. Translated from the originallanguages, but keep an eye on the version of Massimo Teofilo,because it too dependent on the original languages.As it appeared, the version that the King James Version waspublished at his own expense had cost him 14 years of arduous care,and had suffered the praises of the most learned men of the time,and even those who judged it strictly had to recognize that theKing James Version had done work fine.These were followed almost thirty years later by a secondedition improved over the years 1640/41. This monumental work hasgiven the Italian Protestantism of his official standard version ofthe Bible. The merit of the King James Version was to produce, healone, one of the bibles of the major European Protestantism, toget on the level of the German Bible of Luther and the Englishversion authorized by King James.FeaturesThe characters that distinguish the excellent version of the KingJames Version were thus many, primarily loyalty, qualitiesessential to interpret the sacred text, and secondly clarity, dueto the integrity of the terms used by the translator and toparaphrase that, although much criticized , they are less usefulfor the meaning of the biblical sense, and thirdly the theologicalvalue of the notes and the comments that accompany the release,which reflect a deep knowledge of ancient languages ​​and acomplete understanding of the Scriptures, and finally the greatelegance of style.Reception in ItalyKing James himself was particularly sensitive to how his Bible wereaccepted in Italy. In 1635 he reassured the Company of Pastors ofGeneva that "it has had a great approval by several eminentpersonalities and particularly by Bishop Scaliger." In his letterto the Synod of Alençon in May 1695, he said: "I will tell youthen, that Divine Providence, which, as He has driven in my earlyyears of theological profession, yes, and almost from my youthuntil now, to translate and Commenting on the Italian Bible, I hadsuch a great success ... and the most eminent personages of ourtime, have all recommended my poor job, and I say this not withoutblushing: the truth is that I only audience for the glory of God ".Again Diodati reaffirms his faith in divine and his conviction thathe has accomplished this work solely for the glory of God KingJames Version assured the Council that his Geneva Bible Italian"has been well received everywhere." The introduction to thepublication in English translation of the King James Version of theBible notes confirms it.
Стихи Цветаевой М.И. 1.2
Wiktoria Goroch
Этот сборник содержит 149 стихотворенийЦветаевой Марины Ивановны.Приложение запоминает текущее стихотворение и вам не придетсяначинать все сначала.Вы также можете добавить понравившееся стихотворение визбранное, скопировать, отправить sms, на вконтакте или другиеприложения.Надеюсь несложный и приятный интерфейс позволит вам насладитьсятворчеством Цветаевой.This collection contains149 poems Tsvetaeva Marina Ivanovna.The application stores the current poem and you will not have tostart over.You can also add liked the poem to your favorites, copy, sendsms, on vkontakte or other applications.Hopefully simple and friendly interface will allow you to enjoythe creativity of Tsvetaeva.
Bibeln. Svenska 1917 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
1917 års kyrkobibel (Bible in Swedish)1917 års kyrkobibel, eller Gustaf V:s bibel, kallas denöversättning av Bibeln till svenska som utgavs 1917, och stadfästesav kungen den 2 oktober samma år.Arbetet med denna översättning tog - med långa avbrott - 144 årfrån det att Gustav III 1773 tillsatte en bibelkommission meduppgift att göra en tidsenlig nyöversättning. Fleraprovöversättningar utgavs, som till exempel 1883 års normalupplaga.Översättningen av Gamla testamentet bygger på den masoretiskabibeltexten, medan Nya testamentets text bygger på den dåmodernaste tillgängliga textkritiska utgåvan av Nya testamentetsgrekiska text. Esaias Tegnér d.y. var en av de ledande männen iarbetet med den slutliga översättningen, särskilt GT, och hanbrukar anses ha påverkat dess arkaiserande stil. Paradoxalt nog haröversättningen även en talspråklig karaktär.Språket i denna bibel blev snart omodernt, och 1963 tillsatteKungl. Maj:t en ny bibelkommitté som utgav Nya Testamentet 1981. Enfullständigt ny bibelöversättning utgavs 2000 av denbibelkommission som tillsattes 1972.Även Stiftelsen Biblicums översättning Svenska Folkbibeln somutkom 1998 är i dag spridd, speciellt bland så kallade bibeltrognalutheraner, frikyrkor och väckelserörelser. Dessgammaltestamentliga text är delvis en revidering av 1917 årskyrkobibel och delvis en nyöversättning, medan Nya testamentet ären självständig nyöversättning.Bibeln, även Den Heliga Skrift, är en samling skrifter, böcker,som utgör judendomens och kristendomens heliga skrift. Namnetkommer från grekiskans τα βιβλία vilket ungefär betyder böckernavia latiniseringen Bíblia. Antalet skrifter varierar något mellanolika inriktningars val av skrifter och deras uppdelning, så kalladbibelkanon. Bibelns skrifter har tillkommit från cirka 900 f.Kr.och framåt och den betraktas allmänt som den mest sålda boken genomtiderna. Moderna översättningar har uppemot 1200 kapitel.Kristendomen delar upp sin Bibel i Gamla och Nya Testamentetbestående av omkring 39 respektive 27 böcker beroende påbibelkanon. Gamla Testamentets 39 böcker är ungefär samma somjudendomens 24 böcker men med en annan ordning och uppdelning.Nya Testamentet behandlar skeenden inför och efter Jesus födelsevilket blev skiljelinjen mellan judendomen och kristendomen.1917 Church Bible (Biblein English)1917 church bible, or Gustaf V's bible, called the translationof the Bible into Swedish, released in 1917, and was ratified bythe King on October 2 of that year.Work on this translation took - with long breaks - 144 yearsfrom the time of Gustav III in 1773 to put a Bible commission tomake a contemporary new translation. Several test translations wereissued, such as in 1883 years of normal circulation. Thetranslation of the Old Testament is based on the Masoretic text ofthe Bible, while the New Testament text is based on the then mostmodern available text-critical edition of the New Testament Greektext. Esaias Tegner D. Y. was one of the leading men in the work ofthe final translation, especially GT, and he is usually consideredto have affected the archaic style. Paradoxically translation alsoa colloquial character.The language of this Bible soon became unfashionable, and in1963 appointed Kungl. Majesty a new Bible Committee published theNew Testament in 1981. A completely new translation of the Biblewas published in 2000 by the Bible Commission which was appointedin 1972.Even Foundation Biblicums translation Swedish InternationalVersion, published in 1998 is today widespread, especially amongthe so-called Bible-believing Lutherans, free churches andrevivals. Its Old Testament text is partly a revision of the 1917church bible and partly a new translation, while the New Testamentis an independent new translation.The Bible, even the Holy Scriptures, is a collection ofwritings, books, constituting Judaism and Christianity's HolyScriptures. The name comes from the Greek τα βιβλία which roughlytranslates books via latiniseringen Biblia. The number ofpublications varies slightly between inriktningars selection ofwritings and their division, known as the Bible canon. Biblicalwritings have come from about 900 BC onwards and it is widelyregarded as the best-selling book of all time. Modern translationshave upwards of 1,200 chapters.Christianity divides his Bible in the Old and New Testament,consisting of about 39 or 27 books depending on the biblical canon.Old Testament's 39 books are about the same as Judaism 24 books butwith a different order and division.The New Testament deals with events before and after Jesus'birth, which became the dividing line between Judaism andChristianity.
Thompson Chain Reference Bible 1.6
Wiktoria Goroch
You can try free version (with ads) -"Thompson Chain Reference" which you find in my appsThe heart of the Thompson Chain-Reference system is Thompson's"chain topics". The system incorporates over 4,000 such chains.You can add to favorites most liked bible words, copy all andany part of the text, share the text, look bible verses (KJV) byclicking on them, increase/decrease font size. I hope you find thisstudy bible tool convenient and useful for studying theScripture.
World English Bible (WEB) 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
The World English Bible (also known as theWEB) is a free updated revision of the American Standard Version(1901). It is one of the only public domain, modern-Englishtranslations of the entire Bible. The Bible was created on the baseof the ASV by volunteers on the ebible.org project and edited byRainbow Missions, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation.FeaturesIt claims to be one of the few English-language Bibles customtranslated to be understood by most English-speakers, worldwide,eliminating the need for data-processing based or computeroperating system-specific internationalizations. Work on the WorldEnglish Bible began in 1997 and was first known as the AmericanStandard Version 1997.The World English Bible project was started to produce a modernEnglish Bible version that is not copyrighted, does not use archaicEnglish (such as the KJV), and is not translated in Basic English(such as the Bible In Basic English). The World English Biblefollows the American Standard Version's decision to transliteratethe Tetragrammaton, but updates "Jehovah" to be "Yahweh". TheBritish and Messianic Names editions use the traditional forms(e.g. the LORD).Also includes the following Apocryphal books (in the followingorder):- Tobit- Judith- Additions to Esther (additions found in the LXX namely Esther10:4-16:24)- Wisdom (Also known as the Wisdom of Solomon)- Ecclesiasticus (or Sirach)- Baruch- Epistle of Jeremy (or the Letter of Jeremy)- Prayer of Azarias (Daniel 3:24-97 in the LXX & Vulgate)- Susanna (Daniel 13 in the LXX & Vulgate)- Bel and the Dragon (Daniel 14 in the LXX & Vulgate)- I Maccabees- II Maccabees- 1 Esdras- Prayer of Manasses- Psalm 151- III Maccabees- IV Maccabees- 2 EsdrasTranslation philosophyIt is based on the 1901 American Standard Version, the GreekMajority Text, and the Hebrew Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia withsome minor adjustments made because of alternate readings in theDead Sea Scrolls and the Septuagint although usually thesealternate readings are ignored or restricted to the footnotes.There are seven passes of editing and proofreading for each book.An initial automated pass updated approximately 1,000 archaicwords, phrases and grammatical constructs. The first manual passwas to add quotation marks (the ASV had none) and otherpunctuation, and to check the translation against the Greek andHebrew texts where there are significant textual variants or themeaning is unclear.
Biblia - Job 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Libro de JobJob (hebreo אִיּוֹב, Iyov) es un libro bíblico del AntiguoTestamento. En la Biblia (Nácar-Colunga) figura como el primero delos Libros Sapienciales, ubicado entre II Macabeos y el libro delos Salmos; mientras que en el Tanaj hebreo, aparece entre losProverbios y Cantar de los Cantares.TemáticaEs evidentemente el sufrimiento del inocente. Ya desde la másremota Antigüedad los pensadores se han enredado en el espinosoproblema del hombre bueno que sufre y del malo feliz. InclusoPlatón se preocupó del asunto y le dio una formulación precisa,aunque sin encontrarle una solución que no chocara contra lafilosofía y la moral.Varios mitos griegos se refieren a temas parecidos: Prometeo esculpable, pero la enormidad de su castigo lo rebela; Edipo Reysufre el castigo de los dioses por un pecado que él no eraconsciente de estar cometiendo; Hércules no ha pecado, pero lospuños de los dioses terminan por aplastarlo.Es este, precisamente, el tema que trata el libro de Job: elprotagonista es un hombre religioso, bueno y justo, a quien Diospermite que Satanás someta a numerosas y espantosas pruebas.Mientras Job sufre bajo las acechanzas del Mal, tres buenos amigosintentan consolarlo, tratando de convencerlo de que si sufre es porculpa de sus propios pecados.Job se enoja y se defiende, pues él sabe que eso es un infundioy rechaza ese argumento con energía. Cuando aparece un cuarto amigoque explica que el sufrimiento templa al alma y al espíritu, Jobcontinúa quejándose.Por último, Yahvéh en persona se hace presente, reprende a Jobpor no haber aceptado Su voluntad y por sus quejas, y devuelve alprotagonista a su antigua felicidad.BogJob (Hebrew אִיּוֹב, Iyov) is a biblical book of the OldTestament. In the Bible (King James) appears as the first of theWisdom Books, located between II Maccabees and the Book of Psalms;while in the Hebrew Tanakh, appears between Proverbs and the Songof Songs.ThemeIt is clearly the suffering of the innocent. Now from the remotestantiquity thinkers have become entangled in the thorny problem ofthe good man who suffers and the wicked happy. Even Plato wasconcerned the matter and gave precise formulation, but withoutfinding a solution that does not crash into the philosophy andmorality.Several Greek myths relate to similar themes: Prometheus isguilty, but the enormity of his punishment as rebels; Oedipussuffers the punishment of the gods for a sin that he was not awareof committing; Hercules has not sinned, but the cuffs of the godseventually crush him.This is precisely the subject matter of the book of Job, theprotagonist is a religious, good and just man, whom God allowsSatan to undergo numerous tests and frightening. While Job suffersunder the wiles of the Evil, three good friends try to comfort him,trying to convince you that if you suffer is because of their ownsins.Job gets angry and defends because he knows that this is adishonest and vigorously rejects this argument. When a fourthfriend who explains that suffering tempers the soul and spirit, Jobcontinued complaining appears.Finally, Yahweh himself is present, reproves Job for notaccepting His will and for their complaints, the protagonistreturns to his former happiness.
Irish Names 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Irish Names with meaning. Irish boy and girlnames
Book of Job 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Book of JobThe Book of Job (/ˈdʒoʊb/; Hebrew: אִיוֹב Iyob) is one of theWritings (Ketuvim) of the Hebrew Bible, and the first poetical bookin the Christian Old Testament. Addressing the theme of God'sjustice in the face of human suffering - or more simply, "Why dothe righteous suffer?" - it is a rich theological work, setting outa variety of perspectives. It has been widely and oftenextravagantly praised for its literary qualities - "The greatestpoem of ancient and modern times," according to Tennyson.ContentsPrologue on earth and in heavenThe prologue on earth shows the righteous Job blessed with wealthand sons and daughters. The scene shifts to heaven, where God asksthe satan (ha-satan, literally "the accuser") for his opinion ofJob's piety. The satan answers that Job is pious only because Godhas blessed him; if God were to take away everything that Job had,then he would surely curse God. God gives the satan permission totake Job's wealth and children, but Job praises God: "Naked I cameout of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return: the Lord hasgiven, and Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord."God allows the satan to afflict his body with boils. Job sits inashes; his wife prompts him to "curse God, and die," but Jobanswers: "Shall we receive good from God and shall not receiveevil?"Job's opening monologue; dialogues between Job and his threefriendsJob laments the day of his birth; he would like to die, but eventhat is denied him. His three friends Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildadthe Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite, console him. The friends donot waver in their belief that Job's suffering is a punishment forsin, for God causes no one to suffer innocently, and advise him torepent and seek God's mercy. Job responds with scorn: a just Godwould not treat him so harshly, patience in suffering isimpossible, and the Creator should not take his creatures solightly, to come against them with such force.Three monologues: Poem to Wisdom, Job's closing monologue, andElihu's speechesThe dialogues of Job and his friends are followed by a poem (the"hymn to wisdom") on the inaccessibility of wisdom: Where is wisdomto be found? it asks, and concludes that it has been hidden fromman (chapter 28). Job contrasts his previous fortune with hispresent plight, an outcast, mocked and in pain; he protests hisinnocence, lists the principles he has lived by, and demands thatGod answer him. Elihu (a character not previously mentioned)intervenes to state that wisdom comes from God, who reveals itthrough dreams and visions to those who will then declare theirknowledge.Two speeches by GodGod speaks from a whirlwind. His speeches neither explain Job'ssuffering, nor defend divine justice, nor enter into the courtroomconfrontation that Job has demanded, nor respond to his oath ofinnocence. Instead they contrast Job's weakness with divine wisdomand omnipotence: "Where were you when I laid the foundations of theearth?" Job makes a brief response, but God's monologue resumes,never addressing Job directly. In 42:1-6 Job makes his finalresponse, confessing God's power and his own lack of knowledge "ofthings beyond me which I did not know;" previously he has onlyheard, but now his eyes have seen God, and "therefore I retract/Andrepent of dust and ashes."EpilogueGod tells Eliphaz that he and his two friends "have not spoken ofme what is right as my servant Job has done." The three (Elihu isnot mentioned) are told to make a burnt offering with Job as theirintercessor, "for only to him will I show favour." Job is restoredto health, riches and family, and lives to see his children to thefourth generation
Bible. Old Testament. ASV 1.1
Wiktoria Goroch
Bible. Old Testament. American StandardVersionThe Revised Version, Standard American Edition of the Bible, morecommonly known as the American Standard Version (ASV), is a versionof the Bible that was released in 1901. It was originally bestknown by its full name, but soon came to have other names, such asthe American Revised Version, the American Standard Revision, theAmerican Standard Revised Bible, and the American Standard Edition.By the time its copyright was renewed in 1929, it had come to beknown by its present name, the American Standard Version. Becauseof its prominence in seminaries, it was in America sometimes simplycalled the "Standard Bible".The American Standard Version is rooted in the work that wasdone with the Revised Version (RV). In 1870, an invitation wasextended to American religious leaders for scholars to work on theRV project. A year later, 30 scholars were chosen by Philip Schaff.The denominations represented were the Baptist, Congregationalist,Dutch Reformed, Friends, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian,Protestant Episcopal, and Unitarian. These scholars began work in1872.Any suggestion the American team had would be accepted by theBritish team only if two-thirds of the British team agreed. Thisprinciple was backed up by an agreement that if their suggestionswere put into the appendix of the RV, the American team would notpublish their version for 14 years. The appendix had about 300suggestions in it.FeaturesThe divine name of the Almighty (the Tetragrammaton) isconsistently rendered Jehovah in the ASV Old Testament, rather thanLORD as it appears in the King James Bible. The reason for thischange, as the Committee explained in the preface, was that "...theAmerican Revisers... were brought to the unanimous conviction thata Jewish superstition, which regarded the Divine Name as too sacredto be uttered, ought no longer to dominate in the English or anyother version of the Old Testament..." Other changes from the RV tothe ASV included (but were not limited to) substituting "who" and"that" for "which" when referring to people, and Holy Ghost wasdropped in favor of Holy Spirit. Page headings were added andfootnotes were improved.The Old Testament is a Christian term for a collection of religiouswritings of ancient Israel that form the first section of ChristianBibles, in contrast to the Christian New Testament. The booksincluded in the Old Testament (the Old Testament canon) variesmarkedly between Christian denominations; Protestants accept onlythe Hebrew Bible's canon but divide it into 39 books, whileCatholics, the Eastern Orthodox, Coptic and Ethiopian churchesrecognise a considerably larger collection.
Harpa Cristã 1.6
Wiktoria Goroch
Harpa CristãA Harpa Cristã é o hinário oficial das Assembleias de Deus noBrasil, foi lançada em 1922. Com 640 hinos, ela foi especialmenteorganizada com o objetivo de enlevar o cântico congregacional eproporcionar o louvor a Deus em diversas liturgias da igreja: cultopúblico, santa ceia, batismo, casamento, apresentação de criança,etcChristian HarpThe Christian Harp is the official hymnal of the Assemblies ofGod in Brazil, was launched in 1922. With 640 hymns, it wasspecially organized for the purpose of overjoy congregationalsinging and give praise to God in various liturgies of the church:public worship, Holy Communion, baptism, marriage, child'spresentation, etc.
Poems. Emily Dickinson 1.1
Wiktoria Goroch
All poems of Emily DickinsonThere are 1082 poems.Application stores your current position, so you don’t need tostart over each time you launch the application.Also you can bookmark your favorite poem, copy to clipboard, sharevia sms, facebook or any other applicationHopefully user friendly interface helps you to enjoy the poems.Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions.
Barzellette 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Raccolta di barzellette- Aforismi - (317)- Animali - (22)- Barzellette sul calcio - (20)- Barzellette sui carabinieri - (163)- Colmi e freddure - (208)- Dal dottore - (65)- Barzellette sulle donne - (26)- Indovinelli - (27)- Barzellette sulla politica - (26)- Professioni - (16)- Religione - (42)- Scuola - (58)- Tecnologia - (35)- Uomini - (15)- Barzellette varie - (36)Puoi aggiungere scherzi ai tuoi preferiti, inviare SMS, invia aFacebook. Spero che ti piace gli scherzi!Collection of jokes - Aphorisms - (317) - Pets - (22) - Jokes about football - (20) - Jokes about policemen - (163) - Filled with puns and - (208) - At the doctor's - (65) - Jokes about women - (26) - Riddles - (27) - Jokes about politics - (26) - Professions - (16) - Religion - (42) - School - (58) - Technology - (35) - Boys - (15) - Jokes various - (36)You can add jokes to your favorites, send SMS, send to Facebook.I hope you enjoy the jokes!
Popular Bible Verses (AMP) 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
This collection contains 500 most popularverses from Amplified Bible.Application stores your current position, so you don’t need tostart over each time you launch the application.Also you can bookmark your favorite verses, copy to clipboard,share via sms or any other applicationHopefully simple and user friendly interface helps you to enjoythe bible verses.
Bible Characters 1.3
Wiktoria Goroch
Alexander Whyte's Dictionary of BibleCharacters delves into the lives and history of both prominent andlittle-known characters of the Old and New Testaments.
Dictionnaire de la Bible Pro 1.3
Wiktoria Goroch
Vous pouvez trouver la version gratuite dansmes applications - "Dictionnaire de la Bible"Cette app contient environ 5000 mots. Vous ne pas besoin deconnexion Internet!Vous pouvez ajouter aux favoris bibliques termes les plusintéressés. Vous pouvez également copier le texte, partagez viaFacebook, SMS et ainsi de suite.Je espère que ce Dictionnaire de la Bible vous aider à savoirSainte Bible mieux!Bible Dictionary in French - good tool for studying HolyBibleYou can find the freeversion in my applications - "Dictionary of the Bible"This app contains about 5000 words. You do not need an Internetconnection!You can add to favorites most interested biblical terms. You canalso copy text, share via Facebook, SMS and so on.I hope that this Bible Dictionary help you know Holy Biblebetter!Bible Dictionary in French - good tool for studying the HolyBible
Concordancia Bíblica Pro 1.6
Wiktoria Goroch
Bible Concordance in Spanish (Reina Valera)Usted puede probar la versión gratuita (con anuncios) de estaaplicación - "Concordancia Bíblica" se encuentran en misaplicaciones.En esta aplicación encontrarás índice alfabético de todas laspalabras bíblicas ( de, y, a, que, la, el, los, en son excluidos- no las utilice)También puedes buscar por varias palabras - utilizar elespacio entre ellosEspero que esta Concordancia Bíblica será su compañeroperfecto en el estudio de la Biblia!No dude en ponerse en contacto conmigo si quieres mejorar otiene algún problema con esta aplicación.Bible Concordance inEnglish (KJV)You can try the free version (with ads) of this application -"Bible Concordance" are in my applications.In this application you will find alphabetical index of allbiblical words (, and that, the, the, the, on are excluded - donot use)You can also search for multiple words - use the spacebetween themBible Concordance hope this will be your perfect companion inthe study of the Bible!Feel free to contact me if you want to improve or have anyproblems with this application.
Popular Bible Prayers (230) 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
This collection contains 230 popular CatholicPrayers.Application stores your current position, so you don’t need tostart over each time you launch the application.Also you can bookmark your favorite prayers, copy to clipboard,share via sms or any other application.Here is first 10 prayers from this app:1. The Apostle's Creed2. Prayer for the Dead3. Prayer Before Meals4. Unfailing Prayer to St. Anthony5. Hail, Holy Queen6. The Prayer "Thank You God"7. Prayer for the Sick8. Act of Contrition #39. Morning Prayer10. A Night PrayerHopefully simple and user friendly interface helps you to enjoy theprayers.
La vida es sueño 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
La vida es sueñoLa vida es sueño es una obra de teatro de Pedro Calderón de laBarca estrenada en 1635 y perteneciente al movimiento literario delbarroco. El tema central es la libertad del ser humano paraconfigurar su vida, sin dejarse llevar por un supuesto destino.Life is a DreamLife is a Dream is a play by Pedro Calderon de la Barca releasedin 1635 and belonging to the literary movement of the Baroque. Thecentral theme is the human freedom to set his life, unencumbered bya supposed destination.
Poems. Walt Whitman 1.1
Wiktoria Goroch
All poems of Walt WhitmanThere are 335 poems.Application stores your current position, so you don’t need tostart over each time you launch the application.Also you can bookmark your favorite poem, copy to clipboard, sharevia sms, facebook or any other applicationHopefully user friendly interface helps you to enjoy the poems.Feel free to contact us with any comments or questions.
Статусы по категориям 1.1
Wiktoria Goroch
Этот сборник содержит более 1100 статусов наразнообразные темы.Приложение запоминает текущий статус и вам не придется начинатьвсе сначала.Вы также можете добавить понравившийся статус в избранное,скопировать, отправить смс, на вконтакте, одноклассники или другиеприложения установленные на Вашем телефоне.Вы также можете выбирать категории:- Статусы про жизнь со смыслом (161)- Красивые статусы (50)- Позитивные статусы (121)- Прикольные статусы (272)- Ржачные статусы (154)- Статусы для девушек (198)- Статусы про парней (28)- Статусы про любовь (121)- Грустные статусы (16)Надеюсь несложный и приятный интерфейс позволит вам насладитьсясодержимым.Статусы – это небольшие, короткие изречения, зачастую обладающиемагической силой. Статусами выражают настроение, характер, а поройи отношение к чему-то происходящему. Статусы бывают абсолютноразными по своему смыслу и содержанию. Кому-то нравятся смешные ипозитивные статусы, а кому-то красивые жизненные фразы, либо жестатусы о любви. Люди постоянно придумывают их, а затем делятся имисо всем миром. Все статусы разделены по тематическим рубрикам,поэтому Вам не составит никакого труда отыскать тот статус, которыйбудет интересен именно Вам.This collection containsmore than 1100 status on a variety of topics.The application stores the current status and you do not have tostart all over again.You can also add liked the status of your favorites, copy, sendsms on vkontakte, classmates, or other applications running on yourphone.You can also choose a category:  - Statuses about life with meaning (161)  - Beautiful statuses (50)  - Positive statuses (121)  - Funny statuses (272)  - Laughing statuses (154)  - Status for girls (198)  - Statuses about guys (28)  - Status of love (121)  - Sad statuses (16)Hopefully simple and friendly interface will allow you to enjoy thecontent.Status - this is a small, short sayings, often possessingmagical powers. Statuses express the mood, character, and sometimesrelated to something happening. Statuses are completely differentin its meaning and content. Someone like funny and positive status,and someone interesting life sentence or the same statuses aboutlove. People are constantly coming up with them, and then sharethem with the world. All roles are divided on the subject headings,so you will not be difficult to find a status that could beinteresting for you.
Children's Bible 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
The Children's Bibleby Henry A. Sherman and Charles Foster Kent.The Children's Bible provides, in simple English, a translationof selections from both the Old and the New Testament. Theseselections have been made as a result of more than twenty-fiveyears of observation and study. The text is that of the Bibleitself, but in the language of the child, so that it may easily beread to the younger children and by those who are older. It is notin words of one syllable, for while the child is reading the Biblehe should gradually learn the meaning of new words and idioms.
La Biblia - Daniel 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Libro de DanielEl Libro de Daniel es un libro bíblico del Antiguo Testamento ydel Tanaj hebreo, que en las biblias cristianas se ubica entre loslibros de Ezequiel y Oseas.Es el sexto de los libros proféticos y se lo incluye —por loscristianos— entre los Profetas Mayores (de los cuales es el cuarto,luego de Isaías, Jeremías y Ezequiel).Los judíos lo excluyen de los Profetas (Nevi'im) y lo colocanentre los Escritos (Ketuvim). Varias de sus partes sondeuterocanónicas y solo las incluyen las biblias católicas.Género y dificultadPertenece a los géneros género narrativo y género apocalíptico, dedifícil comprensión. Dios muestra cómo da sabiduria a Daniel y cómola dará a todo aquel que quiera, por el simple hecho de tenervoluntad y reconocer que el poder está en las manos del Altísimo,Dios todopoderoso.Autor y épocaLos Proverbios se atribuyen tradicionalmente al rey Salomón. Loscapítulos 10 al 22, 16 así como 25 al 29 son atribuidos a Salomón yal menos se puede demostrar, por medio del uso que en ellos se hacede géneros literarios más arcaicos como el dístico, que son de losmás antiguos del libro. Asimismo se hacen menciones a la vidacortesana que no podrían provenir de tiempos posteriores dado queel índice de esplendor y de florecimiento no será igualado en losreinados posteriores. La sección de máximas de la segunda de ellaseran ya antiguas y muy bien conocidas en tiempos de Ezequías, estoes, durante las invasiones asirias de alrededor de 722 a. C.Sin embargo, también se encuentran algunos arameísmos quecomplican la datación o, al menos, dan cuenta de ciertos retoques oañadidos posteriores.Book of DanielThe biblical Book of Daniel book of the Old Testament and theHebrew Tanakh, which in Christian Bibles is among the books ofEzekiel and Hosea is.It is the sixth of the prophetic books and itincludes-for-Christians among the Major Prophets (which is thequarter after Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel).The Jews excluded from the Prophets (Nevi'im) and place itbetween the Writings (Ketuvim). A number of parts aredeuterocanonical and include only the Catholic Bibles.Gender and difficultyIt belongs to the genre of narrative and apocalyptic genre,difficult to understand. God gives wisdom to show how Daniel andhow to give it to anyone you want, by simply having the will andrecognize that power is in the hands of the Almighty, AlmightyGod.Author and timeProverbs are traditionally attributed to King Solomon. Chapters 10to 22, 16 and 25 to 29 are attributed to Solomon, at least it canbe shown, by using that in them is more archaic literary genressuch as the couplet, which are the oldest in the book. Mentionswere also made to the court life that could not come from latertimes as the index of flowering splendor and will not be matched insubsequent reigns. The maximum section of the second of them wereold and well known in the time of Hezekiah, that is, during theAssyrian invasions of around 722. C.However, there are also some complicating Aramaisms dating or atleast realize some tweaks or added later.
Catholic Bible Dictionary Pro 1.3
Wiktoria Goroch
You can try free version (with ads) of thisapp - "Catholic Bible Dictionary" which you find in my apps.The New Catholic Dictionary is a complete work of reference onevery subject in the life, belief, tradition, rites, symbolism,devotions, history, biography, laws, dioceses, missions, centers,institutions, organizations, statistics of the Church and her partin promoting science, art, education, social welfare, morals andcivilization.
The Book of Mormon 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
The Book of Mormon. Another Testament of JesusChristThe Book of Mormon is a volume of scripture comparable to theBible. It is a record of God's dealings with the ancientinhabitants of the Americas and contains, as does the Bible, thefullness of the everlasting gospel.The Book of Mormon has a number of original and distinctivedoctrinal discussions on subjects such as the fall of Adam and Eve,the nature of the Atonement, eschatology, redemption from physicaland spiritual death, and the organization of the latter-day church.The pivotal event of the book is an appearance of Jesus Christ inthe Americas shortly after his resurrection.List of chapters:- Title Page- Introduction- Testimony of Three Witnesses- Testimony of Eight Witnesses- Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith- Brief Explanation---------------------------------- The First Book of Nephi- The Second Book of Nephi- The Book of Jacob (the Brother of Nephi)- The Book of Enos- The Book of Jarom- The Book of Omni- The Book of Jacob (the Brother of Nephi)- The Words of Mormon- The Book of Mosiah- The Book of Alma (the Son of Alma)- The Book of Helaman- Third Nephi. The Book of Nephi (the Son of Nephi, Who Was the Sonof Helaman)- Fourth Nephi. The Book of Nephi (Who Is the Son of Nephi—One ofthe Disciples of Jesus Christ)- The Book of Mormon- The Book of Ether- The Book of MoroniThe Book of Mormon is a sacred text of the Latter Day Saintmovement, which adherents believe contains writings of ancientprophets who lived on the American continent from approximately2200 BC to AD 421. It was first published in March 1830 by JosephSmith as The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand ofMormon upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi.According to Smith's account and the book's narrative, the Bookof Mormon was originally written in otherwise unknown charactersreferred to as "reformed Egyptian" engraved on golden plates. Smithsaid that the last prophet to contribute to the book, a man namedMoroni, buried it in a hill in present-day New York and thenreturned to earth in 1827 as an angel, revealing the location ofthe book to Smith and instructing him to translate it as evidenceof the restoration of Christ's true church in the latter days.Critics state that it was fabricated by Smith, drawing on materialand ideas from modern works rather than translating an ancientrecord.The Book of Mormon is the earliest of the unique writings of theLatter Day Saint movement, the denominations of which typicallyregard the text not only as scripture but also as a historicalrecord of God's dealings with the ancient inhabitants of theAmericas. The Book of Mormon is divided into smaller books, titledafter the individuals named as primary authors and, in mostversions, divided into chapters and verses. It is written inEnglish very similar to the Early Modern English linguistic styleof the King James Version of the Bible, and has since been fully orpartially translated into 108 languages.
День Святого Валентина 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Поздравления для любимых на день СвятогоВалентина!Этот сборник содержит более 350 поздравлений, пожеланий длялюбимого Вами людей на день Святого Валентина. Некоторыепоздравления в стихах, некоторые в прозе, есть прикольные иромантичные, надеюсь Вы найдете поздравление, которое Вампонравится.Приложение запоминает текущее поздравление и Вам не придетсяначинать все сначала.Вы также можете добавить понравившееся поздравление в избранное,скопировать, отправить смс Любимому или Любимой, на вконтакте илидругие приложения.Вы также можете выбирать категории:- Любимому (67)- Любимой (66)- Мужу (27)- Жене (44)- Другу (40)- Подруге (50)- Прикольные (31)- Короткие (62)Надеюсь несложный и приятный интерфейс позволит вам насладитьсясодержимым.Любви Вам и счастья!) и не забудьте поздравить любимых в деньСвятого Валентина!)Контент взят с сайта Поздравь ОК - http://pozdravok.ru/Congratulations for yourfavorite for Valentine's Day!This collection contains more than 350 congratulations, wishesto your beloved on Valentine's Day. Some greetings in verse, somein prose, have fun and romantic, I hope you will find the greetingthat you enjoy.The application stores the current greeting and you do not haveto start all over again.You can also add to favorites liked congratulation, copy, sendsms or Beloved Pet on vkontakte or other applications.You can also select the category:  - Beloved (67)  - Beloved (66)  - Husband (27)  - Wife (44)  - Other (40)  - Girlfriend (50)  - Funny (31)  - Short (62)Hopefully a simple and user-friendly interface allows you to enjoythe content.Do you love and happiness!) And do not forget to congratulateyour favorite Valentine's Day!)Content taken from the site Greetings OK - http://pozdravok.ru/
Love&Romance classic quotes 1.2
Wiktoria Goroch
Classic love quotes by famous people.This collection contains 3000 quotes about love, romance andflirtingApplication stores your current quote, so you don’t need to startover each time you launch the application.Also you can bookmark your favorite quote, copy to clipboard, sharevia sms or any other applicationHopefully user friendly interface helps you to enjoy thequotes.love and be happy!)
Афоризмы и мысли 1.1
Wiktoria Goroch
Этот сборник содержит более 1800 афоризмов имыслей на разные темы.Приложение запоминает текущий афоризм и вам не придется начинатьвсе сначала. Также Вы можете выбирать афоризмы на любимые темы.Вы также можете добавить понравившийся афоризм или мысль визбранное, скопировать, отправить смс, на вконтакте или другиеприложения установленное на Вашем телефоне.Надеюсь несложный и приятный интерфейс позволит вам насладитьсясодержимым.Ниже приведен список категорий афоризмов и количество афоризмови мыслей в категории:- О человеке (95)- О жизни (112)- О любви (62)- О счастье (92)- О мужчинах (55)- О женщинах (153)- Прикольные (329)- Об армии (113)- О детях (56)- О работе (146)- О дружбе (48)- Об учебе и студентах (76)- Разное (488)P.S. все вопросы или предложения пишите, постараюсь на всеответить. Спасибо!This collection containsmore than 1,800 of aphorisms and thoughts on various topics.  The application stores the current aphorism and youdo not have to start all over again. You can also choose yourfavorite aphorisms on topic.  You can also add liked aphorism or a thought in yourfavorites, copy, send sms on vkontakte or other applicationsinstalled on your phone.Hopefully simple and friendly interface will allow you to enjoythe content.  Below is a list of categories and the number ofaphorisms Aphorisms and thoughts in this category: - Oh man (95)  - About Life (112)  - On Love (62)  - On Happiness (92)  - On the men (55)  - On the women (153)  - Funny (329)  - About Army (113)  - On children (56)  - Law (146)  - On Friendship (48)  - About the school and students (76)  - Miscellaneous (488)P.S. Any questions or suggestions please contact us, I will tryto answer all. Thank you!
Bible. New Testament. ASV 1.1
Wiktoria Goroch
Bible. New Testament. American StandardVersionThe Revised Version, Standard American Edition of the Bible, morecommonly known as the American Standard Version (ASV), is a versionof the Bible that was released in 1901. It was originally bestknown by its full name, but soon came to have other names, such asthe American Revised Version, the American Standard Revision, theAmerican Standard Revised Bible, and the American Standard Edition.By the time its copyright was renewed in 1929, it had come to beknown by its present name, the American Standard Version. Becauseof its prominence in seminaries, it was in America sometimes simplycalled the "Standard Bible".The American Standard Version is rooted in the work that wasdone with the Revised Version (RV). In 1870, an invitation wasextended to American religious leaders for scholars to work on theRV project. A year later, 30 scholars were chosen by Philip Schaff.The denominations represented were the Baptist, Congregationalist,Dutch Reformed, Friends, Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian,Protestant Episcopal, and Unitarian. These scholars began work in1872.Any suggestion the American team had would be accepted by theBritish team only if two-thirds of the British team agreed. Thisprinciple was backed up by an agreement that if their suggestionswere put into the appendix of the RV, the American team would notpublish their version for 14 years. The appendix had about 300suggestions in it.FeaturesThe divine name of the Almighty (the Tetragrammaton) isconsistently rendered Jehovah in the ASV Old Testament, rather thanLORD as it appears in the King James Bible. The reason for thischange, as the Committee explained in the preface, was that "...theAmerican Revisers... were brought to the unanimous conviction thata Jewish superstition, which regarded the Divine Name as too sacredto be uttered, ought no longer to dominate in the English or anyother version of the Old Testament..." Other changes from the RV tothe ASV included (but were not limited to) substituting "who" and"that" for "which" when referring to people, and Holy Ghost wasdropped in favor of Holy Spirit. Page headings were added andfootnotes were improved.The New Testament is the second major part of the Christianbiblical canon, the first part being the Old Testament. AlthoughChristians hold different views from Jews about the OldTestament—that is, the Hebrew Scriptures—Christians regard both theOld and New Testaments together as sacred scripture. The contentsof the New Testament deal explicitly with first centuryChristianity. Therefore, the New Testament (in whole or in part)has frequently accompanied the spread of Christianity around theworld. It reflects and serves as a source for Christian theology.Both extended readings and phrases directly from the New Testamentare also incorporated (along with readings from the Old Testament)into the various Christian liturgies. The New Testament hasinfluenced not only religious, philosophical, and politicalmovements in Christendom, but also has left an indelible mark onits literature, art, and music.
Die Traumdeutung 1.1
Wiktoria Goroch
In Die Traumdeutung als einemgrundlegendenWerk der Psychoanalyse stellt der österreichische ArztSigmundFreud 1899 eine wissenschaftliche Traumtheorie vor, dieimUnterschied zu früheren Forschungen den ZusammenhangzwischenTräumen und persönlicher Lebensgeschichte in denVordergrund rückt.Für Freud ist der Sinn eines jeden Traums dieWunscherfüllung. Inunseren Träumen manifestieren sich verdrängteaktuelle sowie ausder Kindheit stammende Wünsche, die sich häufigin verschlüsselterForm zeigen, weshalb die Traumdeutung auch "dieVia regia [lat.:"der Königsweg"] zur Kenntnis des Unbewussten imSeelenleben" ist.Die Traumdeutung gehört zu den meistgelesenen undeinflussreichstenBüchern des Zwanzigsten JahrhundertsIn The InterpretationofDreams as a seminal work of psychoanalysis, the AustrianphysicianSigmund Freud in 1899 a scientific dream theory thatemphasizes therelationship between dreams and personal life storyto the fore incontrast to previous research. For Freud, the meaningof everydream is wish-fulfillment. In our dreams are repressedcurrent andoriginating from childhood wishes that often show up inencryptedform, so the interpretation of dreams "Via regia [lat .:"the royalroad "] to the attention of the unconscious in mentallife" is alsomanifest. The Interpretation of Dreams is one of themost widelyread and influential books of the twentiethcentury
Bible Perret-Gentil et Rilliet 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Bible Perret-Gentil et RillietAncien Testament Perret-Gentil (1861), Nouveau TestamentRilliet(1858).Au milieu du dix-neuvième siècle, deux protestantssuissesoffraient chacun au monde francophone une nouvelletraductionbiblique. Le premier, Auguste Perret-Gentil, pasteurneuchâtelois,avait traduit l'Ancien Testament d'après l'hébreu ; lesecond,Albert Rilliet, historien de la Réformation, après unlabeurconsidérable de comparaison critique, donnait un NouveauTestamenttraduit sur le manuscrit grec dit Vaticanus.

Siaujourd'hui cesdeux ouvrages ne sont plus depuis longtempsréédités, ils n'en ontpas moins exercé une certaine influence surles traductionssubséquentes. Leur nouveauté la plus remarquée, etaussi la pluscontestée, consistait dans l'éloignement qu'ellesosaient prendreavec la version Osterwald, depuis longtempstraditionnelle chez lesprotestants. Celle de l'Ancien Testament,semblait se rapprocher dela version allemande de De Wette, tandisque celle du Nouveaurompait résolument avec le texte reçu. Il étaitdonc intéressant deles réunir dans un même volume, non seulementpour cette raisonhistorique, mais encore parce que chacune de nosdeux traductionspossède son charme particulier. L'Ancien TestamentdePerret-Gentil, par l'originalité et la bizarrerie de sestournures,dégage un parfum antique proprement biblique ; lafluidité duNouveau Testament de Rilliet confirme que c'est unhelléniste derenom qui a su faire passer la langue grecque dans unbeaufrançais.

Bible Perret-GentilandRillietOld Testament Perret-Gentil (1861), New TestamentRilliet(1858).In the middle of the nineteenth century, two SwissProtestantoffered to each Francophone world a new Bibletranslation. Thefirst, Auguste Perret-Gentil, pastor Neuchâtel, hadtranslated theOld Testament from Hebrew, the second Albert Rilliethistorian ofthe Reformation, after considerable work of criticalcomparison,gave a New Testament translated on Greek manuscriptVaticanus said.If today these two books are not long republished,they havenevertheless exerted some influence on subsequenttranslations.Their most remarkable novelty, and also the mostcontroversial, wasin the distance they dare take the stuff versionlong traditionalamong Protestants. That of the Old Testament,seemed closer to theGerman version of De Wette, while Newresolutely broke with thereceived text. It was thereforeinteresting to bring together inone volume, not only for thishistorical reason, but also becauseeach of our two translations hasits special charm. The OldTestament Perret-Gentil, the originalityand singularity of itsturns liberates antique perfume Bible itself,the fluidity of theNew Testament Rilliet confirms that it is arenowned Hellenist whowas able to pass the language Greek in abeautiful French.
Unique Names 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Unusual Names. Unique girl names andboynames.
Scofield Reference Study Bible 1.1
Wiktoria Goroch
For over 90 years people have relied onthisreference work in their daily study of God's Word.Writtenoriginally in 1909, C. I. Scofield's intent was to provideaconcise but complete tool that would meet the need of someonejustbeginning to read the Bible.
Expositor's Study Bible 1.1
Wiktoria Goroch
The Gold Medallion Award–winningExpositor’sBible Commentary is a major contribution to the studyandunderstanding of the Scriptures.The Expositor's Bible is one of the most-recognized standardsofexpository commentaries. It was written by twenty-nineeminentscholars of the day who were also full-time preachers.Thesewriters also represent every important branch ofProtestantism. TheExpositor's Bible may thus be regarded as aninter-denominationalexposition. It conclusively demonstrates thehearty agreement ofall thoughtful persons on the profound realitiesand essentials ofthe Christian Faith. It shows how this Faith is tobe preached withthe conviction and persuasiveness which its opulentgospel justlymerits.
The Jefferson Bible 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
The Life and Morals of Jesus ofNazareth,commonly referred to as the Jefferson Bible, was a bookconstructedby Thomas Jefferson in the later years of his life bycutting andpasting with a razor and glue numerous sections from theNewTestament as extractions of the doctrine of Jesus.Jefferson'scondensed composition is especially notable for itsexclusion ofall miracles by Jesus and most mentions of thesupernatural,including sections of the four gospels which containtheResurrection and most other miracles, and passages indicatingJesuswas divine.This is Thomas Jefferson's attempt at editing the Gospels intoasingle, coherent narrative. The text here focuses on theattributedwords of Jesus: chiefly the Sermon on the Mount and theparables.Jefferson highlights the ideas of the Gospels, rather thanmiraclesand wonder stories. For instance, Jefferson ends the storywithJesus' burial: there is no resurrection in this tale, andnopost-death interaction with the disciples.
Chistes Cortos Buenos 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Colección de Chistes CortosChistes sobre diversos temas: Abogados, Actos,Adivinanzas,Amigos, Animales, Atlantes, Borrachos, Chistes Cortos,Colmos,Crueles, Doctores, Feministas, Hombres, Chistes de Jaimito,Locos,Machistas, Mamá...! / Papá...!, Matrimonios, Chistes deMujeres,Niños, Otros..., Chistes de Pepito, Religiosos, Suegras,UnaLíneaPuede enviar chistes por SMS, añadir en Facebook, agregar alosfavoritos, y así sucesivamente.Short Jokes CollectionJokes about various topics: Lawyers, Actos, Riddles,Friends,Animals, Atlantis, Drunk, Jokes Short, Highs, Cruel,Doctors,Feminist, Men, Louie jokes, Locos, Machos, Mom ...! / Dad...!,Marriage Jokes Women, Kids, Other ..., Pepito Jokes,Religious,mothers, A LineYou can send jokes via SMS, add on Facebook, add tofavorites,and so on.
Biblia Diaria Gratis 1.7
Wiktoria Goroch
Biblia Diaria GratisSanta Biblia Reina Valera 1960☆ LECTURAS DE HOYPlanes de Lectura Bíblica: Cronológico, Canónico e Histórico porunAño, 180 y 90 Días.¡Usted puede ver su progreso, el seguimiento de su historialdelectura!¡Notificación Diaria le ayuda a no olvidarse de la lecturadehoy!☆ VERSICULO DIARIOEvangelio de hoy, Salmo de hoy - usted puede crear su propioversodiario de tu libros de la biblia preferidos!Notificaciones diarias, copiar / compartir características!☆ LA BIBLIA EN AUDIOAudio compatible con la función de texto a voz. Sólo toque elverso- verá icono de audio.¡Audio funciona OFFLINE e incluso cuando la aplicaciónestácerrada!¡Escucha la Biblia Diaria cuando no puedes leerla!☆ INTELIGENTE, OFFLINE y GRATISEl diseño de material inteligente de Android Guidelines, fácildeusar, rápido y funciona Offline.¡Esta Biblia Diaria será un buen compañero durante tusestudios!☆ MARCADORES, NOTAS y DESTACADOSSólo toque el verso / versos - luego toque el botón "+" -toque.Puede marcar, resaltar, copiar, compartir versosseleccionados!☆ REINA VALERA 1960Biblia Reina Valera 1960 es la más popular de laBibliaEspañola!☆ GRATIS y OFFLINE¡Todas las funciones funcionan fuera de línea y absolutamentedeforma Gratis!¡Simplemente Descargue esta Biblia Diaria y DISFRUTE!Free Daily BibleHoly Bible King James 1960☆ TODAY'S READINGSBible Reading Plans: Chronological, Canon and Historical OneYear,180 and 90 days.You can see your progress, track your reading history!Notification Everyday helps you not to forget reading today!☆ Daily VerseGospel today, Salmo today - you can create your own daily versefromyour favorite Bible books!Daily notifications, copy / share features!☆ THE BIBLE IN AUDIOAudio function compatible text to speech. Just touch the verse -youwill see audio icon.Audio works OFFLINE and even when the application is closed!Daily Bible Listen when you can not read it!☆ INTELLIGENT, OFFLINE and FREEThe design of intelligent material Android Guidelines, easy touse,fast and works offline.This Daily Bible will be a good companion for your studies!☆ bookmarks, notes and highlightsJust touch the verse / verses - then tap the "+" button - touch.Youcan bookmark, highlight, copy, share selected verses!☆ REINA VALERA 19601960 King James Bible is the most popular of the Spanish Bible!☆ FREE and OFFLINEAll the functions work offline and so absolutely free!Simply Download this Daily Bible and ENJOY!
Српска Библија 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Српска БиблијаБиблија или Свето писмо (од грчке речи βιβλια, (ta) bibliaузначењу «књижице», множина именице βιβλιον, biblion,«књижица»,која је деминутив од βιβλος, biblos, «књига», именицекоја јеизведена из речи βυβλος, byblos са значењем папирус, одназивафеничанског града Библос, познатог по производњи папируса)назив језа хебрејску Библију и хришћанску коју чине Стари завет иНовизавет.Аутографи библијских књига не постоје, него многобројнињиховипреписи, тзв. текстуални сведоци. Служећи се њима, библијсканауканастоји приредити што поузданији библијски текст, тзв.критичкоиздање Библије.Идеја о хришћанској Библији као Новом завету проистекла јеизранохришћанских текстова који су у Христу видели посредника уновомсавезу са Богом. Хришћанска Библија, односно Нови завет,садржи 27списа. Ти списи се могу поделити на 4 врстерелигијскихтекстова:четири јеванђеља,једна рана црквена повест,двадесет и једна посланица,једна апокалипсаБиблија, или Свето писмо, код хришћана означава збиркусветихсписа који се деле на књиге Старог завета и Новог завета.Serbian BibleHoly Bible (from the Greek word βιβλια (ta) biblia in thesenseof "book", plural nouns βιβλιον, biblion, "booklet", which isadiminutive of βιβλος, biblos, "book", a noun derived from thewordβυβλος, byblos meaning papyrus, from the name of thePhoeniciancity of Byblos, known for the production of papyrus) isthe name ofthe Hebrew Bible and the Christian old Testament,consisting of theNew Testament.Autographs books of the Bible there, but many oftheirtranscripts, so-called. textual witnesses. Using them, thebiblicaldoctrine seeks to prepare a more reliable text of theBible, socalled. critical edition of the Bible.The idea of ​​the Christian Bible as the New Testament isderivedfrom early Christian texts that are in Christ saw anintermediary inthe new covenant with God. The Christian Bible orthe New Testamentcontains 27 file. These files can be divided into4 types ofreligious texts:    the four Gospels,    an early Church tale,    twenty-one letters,    an apocalypseBible or Bible by Christians means a collection ofsacredwritings which are parts of the books of the Old Testamentand theNew Testament.
Цитаты и высказывания о любви 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Этот сборник состоит из более 800цитат,высказываний о любви. Цитаты, в данном случае, это шутки,историиили высказывания, все что их объединяет, это краткость иотношениек чувствам, любви, отношениям.Цитаты и высказывания упорядочены по оценкам пользователей -отболее популярных к менее популярным.Приложение запоминает текущую цитату и вам не придетсяначинатьвсе сначала.Вы также можете добавить понравившуюся цитату или высказываниевизбранное, выложить на Вконтакте, Одноклассники илидругиесоциальные сети (важно, чтобы приложение было установленонателефон), скопировать или отправить смс.Надеюсь несложный и приятный интерфейс позволит вамнасладитьсясодержимым.P.S. все вопросы или предложения пишите, постараюсь навсеответить. Спасибо.This collectionconsistsof more than 800 citations, sayings about love. Quotes inthiscase, it's jokes, stories or statements that unites them allisshort and for the feelings, love and relationships.Quotes and sayings arranged by users - from the more populartoless popular.The application stores the current quote and you will not havetostart all over again.You can also add your favorite quote or saying to yourfavorites,put on FaceBook, YouTube or other social networks (it isimportantthat the application was installed on the phone), copy orsend anSMS.Hopefully simple and friendly interface will allow you toenjoythe content.P.S. Any questions or suggestions please contact us, I willtryto answer all. Thank you.
Katolikus Biblia 1.0
Wiktoria Goroch
Katolikus BibliaCatholic Bible